The perfect opportunity awaits in this most charming 2 Bedroom and 2 Bathroom Coop on East 57th Street - with incredible skyline views!
Welcome to 227 East 57th Street, a 1931 Pre-War Art Deco Coop consisting of 118 Apartments and residing on one of the most convenient locations on East 57th Street - Sitting at the crossroads of Sutton Place and Billionaires Row. Apartment 16G consists of 2 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms, on an elevated floor, providing excellent light and open views over Manhattan, which sets this apartment aside from the rest. Enjoy this amazing space as-is with some TLC and your belongings - or bring your architect and create your ideal Manhattan Dream Home.
As you enter the apartment, the elegant Entry Foyer contains a coat closet and is large enough for various needs, including an entry table and Mirror, and plenty of wall space for displaying your artwork and photographs. Leading into the Living Room and Kitchen, you are immediately drawn to the oversized windows and skyline views looking to the North. The Corner Living Room is of ample size and currently contains a built in Windowed Dining Area, with adjoining Bookcases, and can accommodate various furniture layouts. There are three Windows in the LR, two looking to the North, and the oversized window in the Dining Area facing West. The Kitchen also features two oversized Windows looking to the North overlooking manhattan, and is large enough to accommodate an eat-in breakfast table - giving the apartment two separate cozy dining areas. The oversized Kitchen also currently comes complete with a Dishwasher, Gas Stove, Stainless Steel Refrigerator, and a full size WASHER and DRYER.
Both Bedrooms are located in the Eastern portion of the apartment, providing a sense of quiet and calm, and are separated by both Bathrooms - giving each sleeping space a sense of Privacy. The Primary Bedroom is oversized, and can accommodate a full Bedroom layout with King Bed plus a Home Office Space. There are Two Windows, one looking to the North, and the third looking to the East, which is also adorned with surrounding bookcases. The Primary Bedroom comes complete with two oversized closets, which can be built out to maximize their full storage capabilities. The Primary Bathroom is windowed and exudes old school New York Charm, including its original Tub, Pedestal Sink, and the forever iconic Pre-War tile design.
The Guest Bedroom is also of ample size, and can suit various needs, depending on the end user - from being a large Guest/Second Bedroom, to a separate Home Office or Library/Den. This Bedroom is En-Suite and contains an oversized Window looking to the North, as well as a large closet. The Bathroom consists of a Stall Shower, Pedestal Sink, and also contains a window looking to the East.
Hardwood Floors and Great Ceiling Heights abound throughout the Apartment.
227 East 57th Street is conveniently located directly across the street from Whole Foods, and is also around the corner from Trader joes - providing multiple grocery options in addition to being in close proximity to of some of New York City's most famous restaurants and eateries. This location also provides easy access to multiple subway lines, the famous boutiques of East 57th Street and Madison Avenue, as well as the gateway to Central Park and the Sutton Place Waterfront.
The beautiful Art Deco Lobby retains a full time Doorman, and this coop has a live-in Super, Elevator, extra Laundry Room and Storage in the basement. There is currently a waitlist for the storage. This Coop is Pet Friendly, and co-purchases and Pied a Terres are also permitted on a case-by-case basis. This building also has a very generous subletting policy, where any new buyer can rent out the apartment after One Year of living in the Unit as their primary residence. What more could you want within a Coop on East 57th Street! Please call me now to discuss all of the details and to arrange your viewing of this wonderful apartment and opportunity.
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